Fall Garden Flag

I decided last year that we needed a garden flag for our front yard. I’ve always thought they were cute but never bother to do all that much with the front of our houses. Last winter I picked up a kit at Lowes and went with a basic snowman flag that they had available there. Its cute. I like it. But you can’t have winter flags up all year round.

Spring rolled around and I fully intended to turn some burlap I had got at Joann’s in the remnant section into a beautiful spring flag. Didn’t. Happen. Sigh. Instead I got a clearance one at Walmart and just made due.

Fast forward a few months, through the spring and summer to fall. K is almost 7 months old and I am starting to have a bit of time here and there where he is occupied with his brothers and what they are doing, or sleeping for longer periods of time. I knew it was time I took on the fall flag. So on our last trip to Joann’s I picked up some more burlap. This time fall themed.

Isn’t it cute?

garden flag 3

Using my Spring garden flag I cut my burlap out, turned the sides under to hem, and created a tube in the top to put it on the flag stand. But it needed something. That’s when I remembered the adorable Free Motion Appliqué Pumpkin freebie that Jeanine at StitchArt had created. I knew it would be adorable on the flag and add just the right pop of color!

(You can get your own copy of the FMA pumpkin HERE, along with an adorable bag designed by Karly at Paisley Roots.While you are there make sure to check out more of the awesome sewing stuff on Top Stitchers.)

Here it is all stitched up:

garden flag 2
And hanging in my front yard:

garden flag 4

A gorgeous pop of Fall color!

Have you tried your hand at FMA yet? I’d love to see your creations!

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